Bauer Gear Motor delivers hygienic conveyor drives for LogiMAT 2025 Stuttgart

A brand of Regal Rexnord Powertrain Solutions, Bauer™ Gear Motor provides world-class drives for almost any conveyor application, exemplified by the fact that it will power a live conveyor on stand during the show. Its reliable, efficient products give operators a proven way to optimize throughput, reduce energy consumption, and lower operating expenditure (OPEX) in intralogistics processes. Bauer also specializes in motors for hygienic applications in the food, beverage, and pharmaceutical sectors, where equipment needs to operate reliably in challenging washdown environments.

At LogiMAT, attendees can view the HiflexDRIVE, a permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) available in both stainless-steel and aseptic-coated variants. A smooth exterior devoid of cooling elements ensures superior cleaning and resistance to contamination, which, coupled with an IP69K rating, means excellent suitability for washdowns. In operation, the PMSM design reduces heat losses from the rotor by 100% and total losses by 25%, while offering a 10%
improvement in overall efficiency. In all, the HiflexDRIVE combines cleanliness with efficiency – ideal for conveyors and processing equipment in hygienic settings.

Joining the HiflexDRIVE will be hygienic solutions from another Regal Rexnord brand: Boston Gear. Its IP69K-rated Gen 2 SS700 series stainless-steel worm gearboxes offer superb performance and durability in washdown areas. Perfected for conveyor systems, SS700 users benefit from very high energy efficiency and low operating temperatures. A recently expanded range, including new sizes and larger output shaft bores, ensures suitability for a wide range of applications.

Regal Rexnord provides seamless access to interoperable products from these brands and many more from a single source. Customers can specify complete power transmission systems from one supplier, tailored to applications by an experienced team of engineering experts for maximum reliability and efficiency. With turnkey support available for the complete powertrain, Regal Rexnord unlocks new levels of performance to build a better tomorrow for intralogistics operations.

Über die Bauer Gear Motor GmbH

Seit über einem dreiviertel Jahrhundert lösen wir Antriebsprobleme überall da, wo elektrische Antriebe mit hohen Drehmomenten für Anlagen, Maschinen und Apparate gebraucht werden. Dank unserer weltweiten Niederlassungen haben Sie unser Angebot auf der ganzen Welt immer in Ihrer Nähe.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Bauer Gear Motor GmbH
Eberhard Bauer Straße 37
73734 Esslingen
Telefon: +49 (711) 3518-0
Telefax: +49 (711) 3518-381

Philip Crowe
Manager Marketing Communications
Telefon: +49 (711) 3518-276
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