KPN and Odido rock the 2025 connect Tests in the Netherlands

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Montag, März 17, 2025
The 2025 connect Mobile Network Test Results
KPN is “Best in Test” and receives the overall grade “outstanding”, scoring 989 out of 1,000 points possible – with the highest score in connect’s international mobile network benchmarks achieved up to today. The operator leads in all categories: Voice, Data, Crowd and Reliability – co-leading with second-placed Odido in Data and Crowd.
Odido ranks second with a score of 987 and also the overall grade “outstanding”. In the categories Crowdsourcing and Data, Odido is on a par with KPN. In the Voice category and in the separate assessment of Reliability, Odido achieves the second-best results.
Vodafone is on a strong third place with 971 points, also achieving the overall grade “outstanding”. In the category Voice, Vodafone is almost equally strong as its two competitors, in the categories Data and Crowd, the gaps are small.
Hannes Ruegheimer, editor at connect, says: “Once again, The Netherlands set the standards. KPN, Odido and Vodafone show an outstanding performance. KPN again takes the overall win ahead of Odido. In the highly competitive market of the Netherlands, all three operators managed to improve or at least keep their already high scores from our previous year’s benchmark. Congratulations to all of them.”
The results are based on drive tests and walk tests conducted in January 2025 and analyses of crowd-sourced data, collected from August 2024 to January 2025. The drive tests and walk tests took place in inner-city areas, outer metropolitan and suburban areas, smaller towns and on connecting roads and highways. Four drive test cars traveled 17 cities and 14 towns covering 6,850 kilometers. The selected areas covered 5.88 million people, representing approximately 34.24% of the Netherlands’ population. The crowd-sourced analysis covers 1,041,701,097 samples, representing approximately 99.77% of the built-up area of the Netherlands. The weighed results of all three measurements provide a realistic and conclusive assessment of each network’s performance.
The 2025 connect Fixed-Line Network Test Results
In addition to the 2025 Mobile Network Test in the Netherlands, connect has also conducted a benchmark of the Dutch fixed-line networks.
Odido is named "Best in Test" in the 2025 connect Fixed-Line Network Test with a score improvement of 11 points over its results from previous year’s test, reaching a total of 964 points and the overall grade “outstanding”. The operator leads in the categories Upload and Download Speed but also achieves convincing results in all other assessment categories.
KPN comes in second, five score points behind the overall winner, with a score of 959 and also the grade “outstanding”. The operator shares the highest score with Odido in the Latency category. It also shows the best result in the additional assessment of network Reliability.
Ziggo ranks third with 944 points and the overall grade “very good”. The operator achieves very strong results in the category Download Speed, scoring one point behind Odido. In the category Stability, the results of all three nationwide operators are on the same level.
“All three nationwide fixed-line operators in the Netherlands show a strong performance. Congratulations to Odido for being awarded ‚Best in Test‘ among the Dutch fixed network providers. The high scores achieved in the category Stability by all candidates show the high technological level of the Dutch fixed-line networks”, Hannes Ruegheimer states.
In addition to the nationwide assessment, connect also has also evaluated the local results achieved in all twelve Dutch provinces. With these analyses, inhabitants of the included parts of the country can check which operator may locally be the best choice. If a result is not published for a particular operator in a particular province, the number of samples for this confinement was too low to specify a statistically reliable result.
Odido leads in five provinces – Drenthe, Limburg, Noord-Braband, Overijssel and Zuid-Holland – achieving outstanding results. In Noord-Holland, the three operators Odido, KPN and Ziggo achieve the same score and thus share the first rank. Here, the local provider DELTA falls slightly behind at a score gap of just two points. KPN takes the lead in Flevoland, Groningen and Zeeland. Locally operating DELTA is ahead in the three provinces Friesland, Gelderland and Utrecht and also achieves outstanding scores in Limburg, Noord-Brabant, Noord-Holland, Overjissel, Zeeland and Zuid-Holland.
The assessment of the Netherlands’ fixed-line operators is based on a crowd-sourced analysis of 97,748,663 data samples captured between mid-August 2024 and late January 2025.
connect’s independent mobile network tests provide a fair, transparent and neutral assessment and comparison of the networks‘ capabilities to customers, management and supervisory boards of mobile network operators. The assessment was first conducted in Germany more than 20 years ago and has since been extended to Austria, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. It has become the de-facto industry standard for customer-perceived network quality.
WEKA Media Publishing GmbH has dedicated itself to this motto. With its premium media brand connect at its heart, whose family also includes the brands connect conference and connect professional, it accompanies readers through exciting worlds of technology. Both in print and digital, high editorial competence and objective product tests in the company’s own test laboratory are a constant requirement. This is one of the reasons why WEKA Media Publishing GmbH is one of Germany’s largest media houses in the technology sector and also offers a test laboratory for competent and independent testing services that is unique in the media landscape.
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