Apply fluid shear stress to your cells

Cells are influenced in the body through fluid-induced shear stress, causing dramatic morphological and biochemical responses. To simulate this in vivo situation, the American company Flexcell International has developed Shear Stress Systems that are distributed exclusively by Dunn Labortechnik in the whole of Europe and the Middle East.

The user-friendly Streamer System Shear Stress Device and the optionally available accessories FlexFlow and Osci-Flow, allow the investigation of shear stress effects on 2D cell cultures. The cells which are submitted to fluid-induced shear stress are cultured on special coated culture slides. Six of these slides can be tested at the same time with the Streamer System.

Depending on the system and its configuration, the user can apply static, pulsatile or oscillatory flow, and can reverse* the fluid flow instantaneously. The FlexFlow device can be used with a microscope for real-time observation of the shear stress effects.

In addition, the FlexFlow system enables the user to study the effects of fluid flow on cell cultures and (in combination with the Flexcell Tension System) to subject cells to mechanical strain before, during or after the application of fluid shear stress

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Dunn Labortechnik GmbH
Thelenberg 6
53567 Asbach
Telefon: +49 (2683) 43094
Telefax: +49 (2683) 42776

Dr. Hamza Mohammad
Telefon: +49268343094
Fax: +49268342776
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