120 years of ritterwerk – A story of German engineering success

This year, the long-established company is celebrating its 120th birthday – a milestone that celebrates its continuous dedication to innovation and quality.

As a pioneer in the field of household appliances, ritterwerk has set numerous milestones, including the development of the first electric food slicer in 1968. True to the Bauhaus style, which combines function and aesthetics, the company has developed into a symbol of durability and precision over the decades.

Birthday giveaway: Win a golden toaster!

There’s a special highlight for the birthday: ritterwerk is giving away golden toasters from the merido3 series exclusively on its social media channels. This limited edition not only embodies the brand’s promise of quality, but is also a glamorous memento of 120 years of success.

‘We would like to celebrate this anniversary with everyone who has accompanied us on our journey – our loyal customers, partners and employees,’ says the management of the Schüller family that runs the company. ‘Our goal has always been to create innovative products that simplify life and fulfil the highest design standards. The golden toaster symbolises this aspiration in a special way.’

Tradition meets innovation

Based in Gröbenzell near Munich and with 80 employees, ritterwerk remains true to its philosophy of producing in Germany and focussing on the highest quality. Sustainability and durability are just as important as the continuous development of the product range – from the innovative food slicer to the latest development in the field of beverage cooling.

About ritterwerk

Founded in 1905 by Franz Ritter, the company has developed over a century into a pioneer and market leader in the household appliance industry. ritterwerk combines tradition with modern technologies and is a guarantee for quality ‘Made in Germany’.

ritter. Makes more out of food.

Über die ritterwerk GmbH

Kitchen appliances for the highest demands since 1905
Over 100 years of experience in the development and manufacture of kitchen appliances is what gives us the sovereignty to continue to drive forward the best innovations for our customers in the future: open to new ideas, but committed to tradition. You can rely on us and our products. We have always delivered consistent quality and are always personally available for our customers and partners. Appreciation is what drives us. We value our customers and partners and develop products that meet their requirements in terms of quality, performance and design. We are fully committed to what we do – from conceptualisation to production. Just like our products: powerful and high-performance.

superior – reliable – appreciative – powerful

For more information visit: [url=http://www.ritterwerk.com]http://www.ritterwerk.com[/url]

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

ritterwerk GmbH
Industriestraße 13
82194 Gröbenzell
Telefon: +49 (8142) 44016-0
Telefax: +49 (8142) 44016-70

Victoria Keller
Telefon: +49 (8142) 4401639
Fax: +49 (8142) 4401671
E-Mail: victoria.keller@ritterwerk.de
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