SKZ and NETSTAL invite you to an information event on April 2 in Horb am Neckar

The information and networking event organized by the SKZ in cooperation with NETSTAL Maschinen AG at the SKZ site in Horb am Neckar offers plastics processors valuable insights and practical solutions for the circular economy of plastics in technical injection moulding.

The European Green Deal with recycling quotas for plastics sets clear framework conditions and shows that the plastics industry must break new ground in order to combine sustainability with innovative material and production technologies. At the same time, the demands on plastic products are constantly increasing – particularly in demanding applications such as automotive engineering and for high-quality recyclates, strength, durability and optical quality must be reconciled with the industry’s sustainability goals.

The use of already processed plastics in technical applications is often made more difficult by changes in material properties. Innovative approaches are required here to maintain or improve the existing quality and optimize their processability. The event, which has the motto “The future of plastics: innovation and sustainability”, will showcase innovative process, tool and production technologies to meet the challenges of the circular economy and at the same time tap into efficiency potential.

Innovation meets practice
When using materials that have already been processed, questions often arise such as “What changes in properties should I expect when reprocessing?” or “What happens to the glass fibers when they are used again?”. The event provides answers to these questions and sheds light on current trends and technologies not only in theory but also in practice.

Knowledge from experts and practical demonstrations
The information event includes presentations on the topic of recyclate-based compounds in the field of engineering plastics by Frank Biedermann (AURORA Kunststoffe GmbH) and highlights ways to achieve sustainable and efficient production on the injection molding machine by Marcel Christen (NETSTAL Maschinen AG). Mathias Ernst (fischer Werkzeug- und Formenbau GmbH) will explain how innovative tool solutions enable sustainable plastics production. Christian Deubel (SKZ – Das Kunststoff-Zentrum) will also provide insights into the determination of fiber length distributions and the influence on mechanical properties, before Robert Blum (Rapid Granulier-Systeme GmbH & Co. KG) discusses the key aspects of plastics size reduction and recycling.

In the practice-oriented part of the event, the latest technologies and methods will also be demonstrated in practice during a live demonstration in the technical center.

“We are looking forward to the cooperation event together with NETSTAL as well as a topical lecture program with experts from renowned companies in the plastics industry,” says Jürgen Kern, site manager of the SKZ in Horb am Neckar. “In the presentations, we will be supported by long-standing, valued partners who deal with the topic in a variety of ways in their fields. Only together is it possible to take a holistic approach that is as target-oriented as possible. We are delighted to be able to offer a successful mix of theoretical presentations and practical demonstrations on this day, as well as a lively exchange with experts from our industry.”

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

FSKZ e. V.
Friedrich-Bergius-Ring 22
97076 Würzburg
Telefon: +49 931 4104-0

Pia Lehnfeld
Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Telefon: +49 931 4104-197
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