Elmos receives DVN Award for “Best Lighting Technology 2024”

Elmos was honored with the prestigious DVN Award for “Best Lighting Technology 2024” at the DVN Workshop 2025 in Munich. The award recognizes the pioneering innovative power of Elmos technologies in the field of automotive lighting. Driving Vision News (DVN) is a leading expert platform for vehicle lighting, driver assistance systems, vehicle interiors and lidar technology. This year, 796 industry representatives from 122 companies voted for the five award categories.

Elmos presented two current solutions for innovative lighting concepts at the workshop: the 48-channel LED driver E522.96 with high-speed CAN/FD interface in combination with OLED modules for exterior lighting and the DynamicLIN demonstrator, based on the static LIN/RGB LED driver E521.39. DynamicLIN technology enables high-precision control of dynamic lighting effects. Thanks to an RGB refresh rate of 10 milliseconds across several LIN modules, flowing animations are created that can be updated in real time. In addition, integrated synchronization technology ensures a consistent light display across different modules. The innovative Elmos IC solutions thus enable unique lighting concepts in the automotive sector.

“Receiving the DVN Award highlights once again that our innovative LED drivers are making an important contribution to the further development of vehicle lighting, and this is being recognized by our customers since many years,” says Artur Biernatowski, Director Product Segment Lighting at Elmos. “We will continue our efforts to further expand our technology leadership in the areas of ambient vehicle interior lighting and LED rear lighting.”

Further information about Elmos products is also presented in a virtual showroom: Virtual Booth – Elmos Semiconductor SE

Über Elmos Semiconductor SE

Elmos has been developing intelligent microchip solutions for over 40 years, primarily for the automotive industry. As a fabless company and specialist for analog mixed-signal ICs, Elmos makes the mobility of the future safer, more comfortable and more efficient. The innovative products of Elmos enable reliable driver assistance systems, intelligent sensors, efficient motors and new LED lighting concepts in modern vehicles. As a market leader in cutting-edge applications, Elmos is powering global megatrends such as autonomous driving, electromobility and software-defined vehicles.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Elmos Semiconductor SE
Werkstättenstraße 18
51379 Leverkusen
Telefon: +49 (0) 2171 / 40 183-0
Telefax: +49 (0) 2171 / 40 183-99

Susanne Vorwald
Investor Relations, Public Relations & ESG
Telefon: +49 (231) 7549-431
Fax: +49 (231) 7549-111
E-Mail: susanne.vorwald@elmos.com
Ralf Hoppe
CIR (Corporate Investor Relations, Communications & ESG)
Telefon: +49 (0) 2171 / 40 183 – 14
E-Mail: invest@elmos.com
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