Meridian Mining’s Cabaçal Pre-Feasibility Study Delivers USD 984 million NPV5 & 61.2% IRR und Annual Average Production 141,000 AuEq Ounces

Meridian will host a Live Webcast to discuss the Cabaçal PFS Results on March 10, 2025 at 10:00 am EST (7:00 am PST). A presentation by management will be followed by Q&A. Conference Call Webcast and Dial in Details:
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Telephone Numbers: US/Canada Free: 888-506-0062 / International: 973-528-0011
Participant Access Code: 195524
Mr. Gilbert Clark, CEO, comments: “This study is a game-changer for our Company. We have demonstrated nearly 1 billion US dollars in post-tax value. That jumps to almost USD 1.5 billion using the spot gold & copper prices, confirming Cabaçal as a high-margin Au-Cu-Ag mine. It starts with over 178,000 gold-equivalent-ounces a year for 5 years and averages more than 141,000 ounces over the life of mine. We have shown these strong results using consensus long-term prices and low operating costs, while also planning ahead with a step up to 4.5-million-tonnes production. I believe it is just the beginning of what we can do in this highly prospective gold-copper-silver VMS belt.”
“I want to thank all our shareholders. Your support and funding helped us build Brazil’s top mine development team. Now, we are focused on adding more value. We are starting the Feasibility Study soon, working on the first resource estimate for Santa Helena, and exploring new opportunities. With our recent funding, we have the funding to make these milestones happen.”
“With the strength of the PFS we are expanding the Executive team and the engineering owners team as we progress the Feasibility Study. Mr. David Halkyard has been appointed to the role of Senior Vice President – Finance, where he will be leading Cabaçal’s project finance team. I have known David for well over a decade now and his wealth of international project finance experience is a key addition to the team. This transformational year for Meridian’s shareholders has only just started.”
Estimates are based on the Technical Report titled, “Independent Technical Report, Mineral Resource Estimate for the Cabaçal Gold-Copper Project, State of Mato Grosso, Brazil”. The Mineral Resource estimate in the table above was prepared by specialist group, GE21 Consultoria Mineral (“GE21”).
The Mineral Resource estimate included in the PFS is reported according to the classification criteria set out in the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy, and Petroleum Definition Standards for Mineral Resources and Reserves (“CIM Definition Standards”). These standards are internationally recognized and allow the reader to compare the Mineral Resource with that reported for similar projects.
The Initial Mineral Reserve estimate for Cabaçal was carried out by GE21 Mineral Consulting and is based on the Mineral Resource Statement with an effective date of February 11, 2025. Mineral Resources are inclusive of Mineral Reserves (Table 9).
Cabaçal will be mined using the open pit method (Figure 2) in 3 alternating shifts, operating 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The mining movements were designed to produce enough RoM to feed an ore processing plant with a nominal capacity of 2.50 Mtpa for the first three years, 4.50 Mtpa for the last 7.6 years and a total LOM of 10.6 years of production.
The mining will operate with a block model of 10x10x5m and slope angle in the hanging wall of 54° inter ramp of the fresh rock and following the mineralized material slope in the footwall.
Mining operations mechanical blasting, loading and haulage will be fully outsourced. Ore is relatively soft with an average Bond ball mill work index of 11.8 (metric)- blasting will be conducted with a load ratio of 200 g/t for mineralized material and 155 g/t for waste. A dilution factor of 3% and mining recovery of 97% were considered. The transport distance from the mine to the RoM yard varies from 1.58 km in the pre-stripping to a maximum of 1.98 km in year 8. For the waste the transport distance will range from 1.96 km to 2.61 km in year 10.
The transport of ore and waste will be carried out by 55 t trucks manufactured in Brazil, a fact that contributes to the reduction in the OPEX costs. For work associated with these trucks, 74 t hydraulic excavators were dimensioned, which means 5.9 passes per truck loaded with mineralized material and 5.8 passes per truck loaded with waste.
Trucks will transport ore for discharge directly into the crusher or to the RoM stockpile. A 30.3 t wheel loader will be used to recover ore from the RoM stockpile as needed. The waste will be sent directly to the 3 projected waste dumps, each trip being directed to the pile closest to the pit region in mining activities at that time. From the 5th year onwards mining in the southeast extension of the pit will have been completed. There is an opportunity to return part of the waste material to this area in the Mine, with the possibility to reduce costs and footprint.
The table below shows the annual mining plan (0.25 g/t AuEq. cut-off) starting with pre-stripping and an ore feeding plan to the process plant. A mining plan was adopted that allows the plant to be fed with high gold content equivalent ore in the first four years of production, storing low-grade ore (LG) to be fed later in the mine life. This allowed the elaboration of a plan optimizing the economic model of the project.
Metallurgical Testing
The Cabaçal PFS project envisages two mined products will be generated at Cabaçal:
The beneficiation process is simple due to relatively clean ore, with low impurities and an absence of organic material. This results in amenability to flotation at a relatively coarse grind of 200 μm, with rapid kinetics of the Cabaçal mine’s chalcopyrite, allowing for a simple flotation flowsheet to give copper recoveries up to 95% to a clean concentrate. Gold is recovered via gravity circuit (concentrator and shaking tables), and via flotation, with copper. The rougher tailings are treated in a pyrite flotation stage, with the main objective of separating most of the sulfur in a low mass stream, reducing the risks of final tails dewatering and disposal. Both tailings’ streams are filtered for disposal. Rougher concentrate is reground and refloated in a cleaner circuit, consisting of a vertimill and a Jameson Cell, with the concentrate reporting to the dewatering circuit.
Three test work programs have been completed since 2022. They are summarized as follows:
The new flowsheet (Figure 3) was tested on the same samples and master composites selected for the PEA as well as additional samples that filled in gaps in the grade curve, represented the variability of the deposit from top to bottom and added data on the oxide and transition zones of the deposit.
In addition, a gold deportment study was conducted as well as TIMA-X mineral characterisation of the master composite. Tailings settling/thickener testing showed it responded well to BASF Magnafloc 155 flocculant.
Updated grade recovery curves were developed at the completion of the testwork.
Additional test work is recommended to define primary grind size (200 vs 150 microns). Also, pilot plant tests are planned for the next phase of the project to reduce risks of the project and generate enough sample for further testing (vendor, environmental, etc.).
Mineral Processing
Based on the SGS test work results, Ausenco designed a new process plant to process 2.5 Mtpa of run-of-mine (RoM) feed from the Cabaçal open pit in the first three years then, with an expansion in year three of the plant operation, processing 4.5 Mtpa of RoM from the fourth year onward. The process comprises crushing and grinding to reduce the RoM ore to primary grind of 80% passing (k80) of 200 microns (µm). Approximately 30% of the mill feed is sent to a gravity separation circuit to recover free gold. Tailings from the gravity circuit are recycled to grinding. Grinding circuit product feeds copper flotation in conventional cells. Copper rougher concentrate is reground and then cleaned in a Jameson cell to produce final concentrate. Copper flotation tailings are floated to generate a pyrite/high sulphide concentrate and low sulphide tailings streams for separate filtration and disposal. The Process flowsheet is illustrated in Figure 4, and the proposed Plant Layout in Figure 5 – 6.
Access and infrastructure
Cabaçal is well supported by existing public infrastructure. It is located in the State of Mato Grosso, Brazil. It is accessed by sealed roads approximately 320 km west-north-west of the state capital Cuiabá, then a 35km all-weather gravel road from the Company’s administrative base in the town of São José dos Quatro Marcos.
The region is currently supplied by a high-voltage 34.5kV power line. Several hydroelectric power stations operate in the region. A potential route for the construction of an 138kVA electric line of sufficient capacity for the Cabaçal project from the Araputanga substation to the Project area has been identified, extending over 22 km.
Subject to permitting, water is potentially available from the nearby Cabaçal river. The process facility aims to recover and re-use as much process water as possible. All rainwater that comes in contact with mining operations is planned to be collected and either used on site or treated to required standards then released.
Mine services and labour are readily available, primarily from nearby towns.
Infrastructure associated with the historic Cabaçal Mine has been removed from site, aside from some old buildings which have been converted to field offices and core processing / storage facilities. The PFS therefore assumes that the new Cabaçal mine is effectively a greenfield project.
The Cabaçal site plan is shown in Figure 7. The major project facilities include the open pit mines, dry storage tailings facility, waste rock facilities, mine services and access roads. Site selection took into consideration the following factors:
Several areas have been identified to store waste rock from the mine. Three waste rock storage facilities (WRSF) have been selected for the PFS. The tailings will be filtered to produce a dry cake that will be trucked from the filter plant and stacked in the dry stack tailings facility (DSTF). The DSTF has been designed to international standards for the PFS. Initial studies indicate that waste rock and tailings are potentially non-acid generating. Detailed waste material characterisation studies are planned for optimization of the long-term storage facility design for construction, safe operation and eventual closure.
Environmental, Permitting & Stakeholder Engagement
Meridian commenced baseline environmental and social impact data collection of the Cabaçal project in January 2022 and completed the studies in November 2023. The company Sete Soluções e Tecnologia Ambiental Ltda (SETE) was hired to conduct the environmental studies, Hidrovia Hidrogeologia e Meio Ambiente Ltda to perform hydrogeological studies and Totem Consultoria em Arqueologia Ltda to deal with the archaeological studies. The studies were summarized by SETE in the Environmental Impact Study (EIA) and Environmental Impact Report (RIMA), which concluded with the following opinion “…based on the project information, the knowledge acquired from the environmental analysis prepared, the environmental impacts assessed and the availability of prevention, mitigation, control, compensation and environmental monitoring mechanisms for the proposed project, which will be further detailed in the PCA (Environmental Control Plan), during the Installation License phase, the environmental licensing of the Cabaçal project is considered feasible, as proposed by the company. It is also possible to state that measures aimed at preventing, controlling, mitigating, compensating and monitoring negative impacts will be able to generate adequate responses to the predicted impacts, so that the interference of the project in the environment occurs within limits considered acceptable by current environmental legislation and by society.”
Ongoing environmental monitoring of the Cabaçal project site is underway in order to continue to build up environment data for the baseline models.
The EIA/RIMA reports were filed with the Mato Grosso State Environmental Secretariat – SEMA (the agency responsible for the environmental licensing process) on December 2, 2023. The licensing process is now following the regulated pathway and has already undergone the Public Hearing held on September 19, 2024, and the field inspection carried out by a multidisciplinary technical team from SEMA, which attested to the veracity of the information contained in the EIA/RIMA. The process is currently undergoing final analysis by SEMA technicians with the next step being the issue of the Technical Recommendation Opinion to support the Cabaçal Preliminary License (LP).
Meridian also undertakes its own stakeholder engagement processes which commenced on acquiring the Cabaçal project in 2021. The Cabaçal project is located within farming land, with no artisanal mining activity. Aside from local farms, there are no settlements or population clusters within the project’s active area. The nearest indigenous land is located 80km distant from Cabaçal to the northwest (Terra Indígena Figueiras). The project is located more than 25 km away from areas classified as Quilombolas (settlements first established by escaped slaves in Brazil, whose descendants have recognized land rights). No areas classified as of special tourist importance are present. Since the commencement of activities, the Company has established formal exploration access agreements with 65 landholders and continues to engage with others progressively as geological survey activities require.
Upside and optimization
The PFS results provide an estimate of the potential economic value of the mineral resources defined to November 15th, 2024. In completing the PFS, a number of opportunities were identified that would potentially enhance the Cabaçal project, subject to completing the necessary assessment. Some of this work is already underway. These include:
Non-International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") Financial Measures
The Company has included certain non-IFRS financial measures in this news release, such as initial capital cost, sustaining capital cost, total capital cost, AISC, and capital intensity, which are not measures recognized under IFRS and do not have a standardized meaning prescribed by IFRS. As a result, these measures may not be comparable to similar measures reported by other corporations. Each of these measures used are intended to provide additional information to the user and should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for measures prepared in accordance with IFRS. Non-IFRS financial measures used in this news release and common to the gold mining industry are defined below.
Total Cash Costs and Total Cash Costs per Ounce
Total cash costs are reflective of the cost of production. Total cash costs reported in the PFS include mining costs, processing and water treatment costs, general and administrative costs of the mine, off-site costs, refining costs, transportation costs and royalties. Total cash costs per ounce is calculated as total cash costs divided by payable gold ounces.
AISC and AISC per Ounce
AISC is reflective of all of the expenditures that are required to produce an ounce of gold from operations. AISC reported in the PFS includes total cash costs, sustaining capital, closure costs and salvage, but excludes corporate general and administrative costs. AISC per ounce is calculated as AISC divided by payable gold ounces.
Qualified Person Statement
The PFS Study has an effective date of 10 March, 2025. It was authored by independent Qualified Persons and is in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects. The following Qualified Persons (“QPs”) are responsible for the PFS Study and have reviewed the information in this news release that is summarized from the PFS Study in their areas of expertise:
Mr Erich Marques, B.Sc., FAIG, Chief Geologist of Meridian Mining and a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101, has reviewed the PFS Study on behalf of the Company and has approved the technical disclosure contained in this news release. The PFS Study is summarized into a technical report that will be filed on the Company’s website at and on SEDAR at in accordance with NI 43-101 within 45 days of this news release.
Corporate Update
In preparation for the commencement of the Cabaçal detailed feasibility study to be followed by detailed engineering and potential financing and development of the Cabaçal mine project, Meridian is ensuring that it has the skills and experience to successfully manage these activities with the appointment of additional team members including:
With these appointments and other necessary steps it is now anticipated that the Cabaçal detailed feasibility study will be concluded during the first half of 2026.
About Cabaçal
In November 2020, Meridian signed a Purchase Agreement to acquire 100% ownership of certain licences covering the historical Cabaçal and Santa Helena mines and the along-strike licences, from two private Brazilian companies (“Vendors”). Subsequently, Meridian expanded its land tenure to today’s 50km of strike length. Cabaçal had two historical, shallow, high-grade selectively mined underground mines that cumulatively produced ~34 million pounds of copper, ~170,108 ounces of gold, ~1,033,532 ounces of silver and ~103 million pounds of zinc via conventional flotation and gravity metallurgical processes.
Meridian has defined an open trend of shallow copper-gold mineralization centred on the Cabaçal Mine. This mineralization trends Northwest-Southeast, sub-crops along its Northeast limits, dips to the southwest at 26° and is up to 90m thick; presenting excellent open-pit geometry and mineral endowment. Meridian is currently focused on infill drilling along a 2,000m corridor along this trend.
Cabaçal’s base and precious metal-rich mineralization is hosted by volcanogenic type, massive, semi-massive, stringer, and disseminated sulphides within units of deformed metavolcanic-sedimentary rocks (“VMS”). A later-stage sub-vertical gold overprint event has emplaced high-grade gold mineralization truncating the dipping VMS layers. It was explored and developed by BP Minerals/Rio-Tinto from 1983 to 1991 and then by the Vendors in the mid-2000’s. This historical exploration database includes over 83,000 metres of drilling, extensive regional mapping, soil surveys, metallurgy from production reports, and both surface and airborne geophysics. The majority of Cabaçal’s prospects remain to be tested.
Cabaçal has excellent infrastructure with access by all-weather roads, clean electricity provided by nearby hydroelectric power stations, and local communities provide mining services and employees. Cabaçal consists of 1 mining license, 1 mining lease application, and 7 exploration claims which total 44,265 hectares. The November 2024 Cabaçal Mineral Resource estimate consists of Measured and Indicated resources of 51.43Mt @ 0.55g/t Au, 0.40% Cu and 1.50g/t Ag for open pit mining (at a 0.19 g/t Au equivalent cut-off grade) and Inferred resources of 0.96Mt @ 0.96g/t Au, 0.49% Cu & 1.36g/t Ag for underground mining (at a 0.95 g/t Au equivalent cut-off grade within stope optimization process).
About Meridian
Meridian Mining is focused on:
About Ausenco
Ausenco is a global company redefining what’s possible. The team is based across 21 offices in 9 countries delivering services worldwide. Combining deep technical expertise with a 30-year track record, Ausenco delivers innovative, value-add consulting studies, project delivery, asset operations and maintenance solutions to the minerals and metals and industrial sectors (
Cautionary Statement on Forward-Looking Information
All statements, other than statements of historical fact, contained in this press release constitute “forward-looking information” and “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of certain securities laws and are based on expectations and projections as of the date of this press release. Forward-looking statements contained in this press release include particularly, but without limitation, those related to the PFS Study results (as such results are set out in the various graphs and tables featured above, and are commented in the text of this press release), such as the Project’s production profile, LOM, construction and payback periods, NPV, IRR, (direct/indirect, before/after tax) capital costs, contingency, industry leading operating costs, AISC, sustaining capital costs, free cash flows, M&I resources, open pit mineralization and waste extraction, mill feed, milling process and recovery, power supply arrangements and power consumption, and closure costs. Forward-looking statements are based on expectations, estimates and projections as of the time of this press release. Forward-looking statements are necessarily based upon several estimates and assumptions that, while considered reasonable by the Company as of the time of such statements, are inherently subject to significant business and economic uncertainties and contingencies. These estimates and assumptions may prove to be incorrect. Many of these uncertainties and contingencies can directly or indirectly affect, and could cause, actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in any forward-looking statements. As future events and results could differ materially what is currently anticipated by the Company, notably (but without limitation) in the PFS Study, there can be no assurance that the PFS Study results will prove to be accurate as actual results and future events can differ materially from those anticipated in the PFS Study. By their very nature, forward-looking statements involve inherent risks and uncertainties, both general and specific, and risks exist that estimates, forecasts, projections and other forward-looking statements will not be achieved or that assumptions do not reflect future experience. Forward-looking statements are provided for the purpose of providing information about management’s expectations and plans relating to the future. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements as several important risk factors and future events could cause the actual outcomes to differ materially from the beliefs, plans, objectives, expectations, anticipations, estimates, assumptions, and intentions expressed in such forward-looking statements. All forward-looking statements made in this press release are qualified by these cautionary statements and those made in the Company’s other filings with the securities regulators of Canada including, but not limited to, as disclosed under the heading "Risk Factors" in Meridian’s most recent Annual Information Form filed on The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements or to explain any material difference between subsequent actual events and such forward-looking statements, except to the extent required by applicable law.
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