Enclustra to Unveil Cutting-Edge FPGA & RFSoC Solutions at Embedded World 2025

Nuremberg, Germany (March 11–13, 2025)- Enclustra will showcase its latest FPGA and SoC technology advancements at Embedded World 2025, Europe’s premier event for embedded systems. Attendees will experience firsthand how Enclustra is redefining AI-driven computing, high-speed processing, and RF performance with its next-generation solutions.

Key Highlights

  • Andromeda XRU50 RFSoC: A powerhouse for 5G, phased-array radar, and satellite communication, delivering next-level RF capabilities.
  • Comprehensive FPGA & SoC Portfolio: Featuring Altera Agilex 5 E-Series, the Andromeda Family, Mercury Family including Microchip’s PolarFire, and Mars XU3 for AI, industrial automation, and high-speed computing.
  • Strategic AI Partnership Announcement (March 12): A groundbreaking collaboration set to transform AI-powered embedded systems.
  • Live Partner Demonstrations: Industry leaders including Hyper-Kamiokande, Narda, Draminski, EASii IC, and Klepsydra will showcase real-world applications of Enclustra’s technology.

Breaking New Ground in Radio Frequency Performance

Enclustra’s Product Wall at Embedded World, will feature its most advanced solutions, led by the Andromeda XRU50 RFSoC. This AMD Zynq™ UltraScale+™ RFSoC-based module delivers unparalleled RF performance, extreme flexibility, and a compact, energy-efficient design.

“The continuous advancements in RFSoC technology are unlocking new possibilities across industries, from advanced wireless communication to quantum computing,” said Phillip Bächtold, CEO of Enclustra. And added, “With the Andromeda XRU50 RFSoC, we are pushing the boundaries of innovation, providing developers with a powerful and efficient platform to drive the future of technology. On March 12, Enclustra will take this commitment even further by announcing a groundbreaking new partnership. This milestone collaboration will amplify our capabilities and open new frontiers, reinforcing our mission to redefine what’s possible in high-performance computing.”

Early Access Program

The Andromeda XRU50 RFSoC is available now through Enclustra’s Early Access Program (EAP), offering developers a plug-and-play platform for rapid prototyping and validation of next-generation RF systems.

Join Enclustra in Hall 3A-331 at Embedded World 2025, March 11 – 13, 2025 from 09:00 – 18:00.

Über die Enclustra GmbH

Enclustra is an innovative, dynamic, and growing company for FPGA design with headquarters in Zurich, Switzerland, offices in Germany, the USA, and China, and subsidiaries worldwide. As a leader in FPGA design and development, Enclustra offers a product portfolio of FPGA-based electronic modules and FPGA-optimized IP solutions for industrial customers and R&D organizations. In parallel, Enclustra provides leading engineering services in FPGA system design, covering the entire spectrum of FPGA-based system development: from high-speed hardware or HDL firmware to embedded software, from system design, specification, and implementation to prototyping. Leveraging its expertise in cutting-edge FPGA technology and diverse application knowledge, Enclustra delivers high-performance solutions across various industries, minimizing development effort and accelerating time-to-market. Learn more at www.enclustra.com | Press & News

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Enclustra GmbH
Räffelstrasse 28
CH8045 Zurich
Telefon: +41 (43) 3433943
Telefax: +41 (43) 3433944

Global Marketing Man Monica Sanchez Meza
Telefon: 0041 44 244 39 43
E-Mail: monica.sanchezmeza@enclustra.com
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