NESTRO® is Presenting Extraction Solutions for the Corrugated and Folding Cardboard Industry at the CCE (March 11-13), Munich

At this year’s CCE International trade fair, NESTRO® Lufttechnik GmbH will be presenting itself in Hall A5 at stand no. 1868. The introduction of the “Internet of Things and Services” into the factories of the paper and cardboard industry is accelerating processes, changing processes and driving the individualization of the end products forward. Setting-up, downtime and maintenance times, energy efficiency or recycling rates/qualities are increasingly becoming matters for the focus of mangerial decisions. NESTRO® systems help the industry with these new challenges and extract dust, waste on in-line machines and inline cutters as well as border strips in an energy-efficient and sustainable manner. They serve to implement perfect quality with reduced downtimes and optimal working conditions. Residual material is extracted, conveyed, shredded, separated, stored or compacted according to customer requirements. At the NESTRO® trade fair stand, two system components will be presented to visitors as exhibits.

NEW: NESTRO Special Shredder NSV for Cardboard
NESTRO® is presenting its new high-speed shredder for ripping sheets of paper and cardboard to be used in vacuum transport for the first time at this year’s CCE. The NSV 1000 (vertical version) on display shreds up to 12,000 sheets with a maximum thickness of 15 mm and a maximum sheet width of 1000 mm. The single-shaft shredder, with its hardened blades, has already proven in several live tests how reliably it performs its job.

Shredding Fan
Using a cut-away model, NESTRO® demonstrates the function of its shredding fan to shred pneumatically transported material of considerable length or endless format direct in the air flow. These rupture fans are designed to provide years of trouble-free operation. For example, the rotors are made from special steel with increased bending strength and high material thickness in order to prevent deformation of the rotor blades and thus increased wear on the engine bearings. The cutting and shredding knives/teeth are specifically adapted to the respective material to be conveyed. The design prevents shredded material from adhering to the rotor, which could disrupt the operation of the fan. NESTRO® rupture fans can achieve an efficiency of up to 38%, depending on the design and the material being conveyed.

Über die Nestro Lufttechnik GmbH

Founded in 1977, NESTRO® Lufttechnik GmbH is currently one of the large established manufacturers of products and systems for extraction and filter technology as well as for sorting and disposal technology. About 260 employees develop and produce the equipment according to individual customer specifications at the three production sites in Germany, Poland and Hungary.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Nestro Lufttechnik GmbH
Paulus Nettelnstroth-Platz
07619 Schkölen
Telefon: +49 (36694) 41-0
Telefax: +49 (36694) 41-260

Till Uhle
Marketingleiter & Vertriebsleiter D|A|CH
Telefon: +49 (36694) 41-203
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