trolley:motion looks back on a positive 2024:

7th International E-bus Conference in Prague
One outstanding event was the 7th International E-bus Conference, which took place in Prague on 22 and 23 October 2024. The event provided a platform for discussing the latest developments and requirements of modern e-bus systems. Key topics were the performance, flexibility, environmental friendliness and cost efficiency of e-buses.
CE4CE project: promoting the circular economy in public transport
As part of the Interreg project CE4CE, trolley:motion was committed to reducing the ecological footprint of public transport by increasing circularity. The project identified gaps in the circular economy and developed innovative solutions to increase resource efficiency in public transport.
eBRT2030: The future of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)
The eBRT2030 project, led by UITP, presented a milestone with the publication ‘On the road to a concept for BRT’. This report provides comprehensive insights into the current state of (E)BRT systems worldwide and lays the foundation for future innovations in the field of Bus Rapid Transit.
Strong cooperation with UITP and VDV AG Trolleybus
A central element of trolley:motion’s work was the close cooperation with international and national organisations. As an active member of the UITP Trolleybus Committee and partner of the VDV Trolleybus Working Group, the association made a significant contribution to developing joint strategies for the further development of modern trolleybus systems.
Both collaborations emphasise the role of trolley:motion as a central player in the international networking and further development of the trolleybus sector.
Trolley Wiki: Comprehensive information platform
The trolley wiki operated by trolley:motion offers thematically organised information on the trolleybus system and its various variants. It serves as a valuable resource for experts and interested parties who want to find out about technical details, possible applications and current developments.
trolley:city-news: The latest news from the world of trolleybuses
With trolley:city-news, trolley:motion regularly provides the latest information and developments from the world of trolleybuses. This newsletter provides information about new projects, technological advances and events and thus contributes to networking and information for the specialist community.
A strong tailwind for the trolleybus
The combination of trolleybuses with battery technology and ‘in-motion charging’ concepts has strengthened the trolleybus as an emission-free and flexible means of transport. These developments position the trolleybus as a key component for sustainable and intelligent mobility in cities.
Outstanding year for trolleybus production
According to a recent survey of trolleybus systems in Europe, Switzerland and Norway, 2024 was one of the most successful years for the delivery of new trolleybuses. Overall, more vehicles were ordered and delivered than in previous years, especially in cities that rely on modern battery trolleybuses. These models are a key building block for emission-free mobility thanks to their flexibility and in-motion charging technology.
Statement by Dr Wolfgang Backhaus
Dr Wolfgang Backhaus, President of trolley:motion and Managing Director of Rupprecht Consult, emphasises:
"With ‘In-Motion Charging’ and intelligent energy management concepts, trolleybus systems are taking the next step towards future-proof and sustainable mobility for smart cities and regions."
trolley:motion will continue to drive the further development of trolleybus systems in the future and advocate their integration into sustainable urban mobility concepts.
European Trolleybus Day 2025 – focus on mobility
As a special highlight in the coming year, trolley:motion is organising European Trolleybus Day 2025, which will take place on 20 September 2025. The motto of the day of action is ‘Shaping the future electrically’ and aims to raise public awareness of the benefits of modern trolleybus systems.
Dr Wolfgang Backhaus, President of trolley:motion:
‘With the European Trolleybus Day, we want to reach a broad public and emphasise the key role of the trolleybus in the mobility transition. Together with our partners, we are sending a strong signal for a sustainable future.’
Eine moderne Stadtentwicklung und die Sicherung der städtischen Mobilität sind heute zwei wichtige Herausforderungen, um die Lebensqualität im urbanen Raum nachhaltig zu erhalten. Intelligente und moderne öffentliche Verkehrssysteme gewährleisten das fundamentale Recht auf Mobilität bei gleichzeitiger Minimierung negativer Umwelteinflüsse wie Schadstoffe, Lärm oder den Verbrauch von städtischen Lebensräumen.
Das Trolleybus-System ist eine erprobte und zukunftsfähige elektrische Antriebstechnologie zur Bewältigung dieser Herausforderungen. Es bietet dieselben Vorteile für die Stadtentwicklung wie die an Schienen gebundenen Systeme U-Bahn und Straßenbahn, kann jedoch deutlich rascher und flexibler auf das Wachstum von Städten reagieren.
trolley:motion wurde 2004 gegründet und ist seit 2007 als gemeinnütziger Verein eingetragen, der sich international für die Erhaltung, den Auf- und Ausbau von elektrischen Stadtbus-Systemen sowie für die Weiterentwicklung des Trolleybus-Systems engagiert.
trolley:motion: unsere Hauptaufgaben
– Information und Aufklärung über zukunftsfähige städtische Mobilitätslösungen, insbesondere Trolleybus- Systeme (Website, Fachwiki, …)
– Organisation internationaler Fachkonferenzen: Zürich 2008, Luzern 2010, Leipzig, 2012, Hamburg 2014 und Berlin 2016
– Mitarbeit in (EU-)Forschungsprojekten (u. a. ACTUATE, ELIPTIC, TROLLEY, trolley:2.0) und die Koordination von Experten
– Erfahrungsaustausch und Vernetzung von Städten und Unternehmen
– Wissenstransfer zwischen Entscheidungsträgern, Mitarbeiter von Verkehrsbetrieben und Interessierte
– Öffentlichkeits- und Lobbyingarbeit für den Trolleybus
trolley:motion, Verein z. Förderung von modernen E-Bus-Systemen
Ladaustraße 73
A5321 Koppl
Telefon: +43 (664) 4141866