Meet the extraordinary ‒ Exertis AV@ISE 2025

It will soon be time again: Integrated Systems Europe (ISE) will open its doors in Barcelona from February 4 to February 7, 2025. Exertis AV is looking forward to welcoming you to our international communication stand in Hall 2, Stand N300. On this central stand, the Exertis Group will once again demonstrate its position as a leading value-add distributor in the field of Pro AV and IT media technology. Colleagues from all over Western Europe, the UK, the DACH region, Scandinavia, Italy, Spain, the Benelux countries and the USA will also be on site.

Exertis presents itself at ISE as a central point of contact for customers and partners and creates a place where innovative technologies meet an inviting, modern atmosphere. The stand offers space for inspiring discussions, creative ideas and genuine networking – complemented by probably the best coffee at the entire trade fair.
"#homeofProAV" is intended to convey a strong sense of community and belonging and to make it clear that we are an integral part of the global Pro AV and IT industry. Through the contacts of the Exertis country teams, visitors will be able to reach the stands of the respective partner manufacturers directly via short routes. Whether digital signage, UCC and collaboration or signal management – Exertis also supports these focal points on site with a specialized sales team.

A special highlight: We will also be presenting a selection of innovative products from our partner manufacturers such as Barco, Lumens, Yamaha, LG and Humly at our stand. Take the opportunity to experience these exciting solutions at first hand!

Mike Hommel, Marketing Director DACH and project manager for ISE 2025 at Exertis AV: "Together with the Exertis delegation from all over the world, we are not only presenting our comprehensive portfolio, as we want to specifically address the growing demands on modern AV and media technology. ISE is a first-class and unique platform for exchanging ideas together or breaking new ground. I am very excited about the challenge with the team and appreciate the opportunity to work in this inspiring environment. I look forward to creating an inspiring atmosphere at our stand that invites people to exchange ideas and feel at ease. We will enjoy the time together with our guests – hopefully in good weather!”

René Schülein, Managing Director DACH: “ISE 2025 is an important meeting place for us. Here we experience the latest technological innovations up close and exchange ideas with the most innovative companies in the industry. Join us on our manufacturer tours. We look forward to your visit in Barcelona. You will find us in hall 2. Together we are shaping the digital future.”Increasing digitalization and the desire to increase efficiency in particular are significantly changing the world of work. Exertis AV’s portfolio includes solutions for business and conference rooms, video conferencing, digital signage at PoS and PoI as well as offerings for educational institutions, museums, theme parks, broadcasting and events. New, exciting software and service solutions round off the portfolio and demonstrate our commitment to always being at the forefront of technological developments.

Experience Exertis AV at ISE 2025 in Barcelona – we look forward to your visit!

About Exertis AV 
Exertis AV, formerly COMM-TEC, has been one of the largest and most renowned value-add distributors for AV media technology in Europe for more than 30 years and has been part of DCC Technology Trading/Exertis since 2019. Headquartered in Uhingen near Stuttgart, the company has four international companies and other sales offices and distributes products from more than 80 well-known manufacturers. The product range includes solutions from the conference room, education, digital signage, broadcast, UCC and collaboration sectors and supplies dealers, system integrators and architects with the optimum hardware and software for their requirements. A new and effective sales structure with fast order acceptance, advice, professional support, project notifications and project price inquiries creates real added value for customers. This is what our claim stands for: "Make extraordinary happen." Exertis AV offers excellent service, direct solutions and builds long-term partnerships with its manufacturers and distributors. Further information can be found on the company’s website at:

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Exertis AV
Siemensstr. 14
73066 Uhingen
Telefon: +49 (7161) 3000-0
Telefax: +49 (7161) 3000-400

Julia Kleemann
Telefon: +49 (7161) 3000-462
Mike Hommel
Telefon: +49 (7161) 3000-250
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