Initiative Online Print: Strong commitment to “Responsible Printing”, sustainability and ESG

Breaking News:
Samstag, März 22, 2025
“The Initiative Online Print e.V. has long been more than a simple community of interest – it is a lively network that offers real added value to more and more companies,” explained Bernd Zipper, Chairman of the IOP Board of Directors, at the autumn conference. “Right now, it is crucial to tackle the issues that really matter. That’s why the focus this time is on sustainability and ESG.”
Four new members provide valuable support
With immediate effect, the IOP will be strengthened by four new member companies – all renowned companies in the B2B and B2C online print sector that have been unanimously accepted into the network and will bring with them a breath of fresh air and additional expertise:
Expert input from sustainability expert Dr. Felix Zimmermann
Dr. Felix Zimmermann, Managing Director of VOIKOS GmbH (Stuttgart) and a proven expert in sustainability, provided in-depth specialist input. In his presentation, he shed light on the changing global framework conditions for economic activity, the current regulatory context and the resulting opportunities and challenges for companies in the printing industry.
He made it clear that a future-oriented corporate agenda must include the areas of “environmental” (strategies for climate protection, emissions reduction, careful use of resources and energy), “social” (labor rights, fair working conditions, occupational health and safety) and “governance” (ethically responsible corporate management, compliance, prevention of corruption): ESG. He left no doubt that the topic of ESG will be very relevant for companies in the long term. He emphasized the scope that the printing industry has in dealing with the topic. If you tackle the issue, it quickly loses its horror and is much more likely to offer great opportunities for economic success.
The importance of sustainability for the IOP
Roland Keppler, member of the IOP Board of Directors and founding member of the ESG working group, emphasizes the importance of sustainability for IOP: “Sustainable management is one of the major tasks of our time and far more than just environmental protection. We are relying on the innovative dynamism of the online print industry to make a significant contribution to climate protection and modern corporate management. By introducing sustainable print products and future-oriented solutions, we are ensuring that print will continue to be a valued and effective medium in the future.”
A spirit of optimism prevails despite the sometimes gloomy economic situation
As an established player, the IOP has been proactively shaping the online print industry and the printing industry for many years. So it is no wonder that the member companies are once again spreading a spirit of optimism and are motivated to consciously tackle the most pressing issues of the present – despite the current gloomy economic situation. As an association of the most diverse companies, it forms a strong community that aims to advance each other and the industry as a whole in a forward-looking manner.
Bernd Zipper, CEO of zipcon consulting and Chairman of the Board of IOP is certain:
“ESG has arrived in the printing industry and is becoming increasingly important. The admission of our four new members clearly shows the added value the IOP offers its members,” emphasizes Bernd Zipper. “We are delighted that companies are recognizing how important it is to share ideas and work together on key issues as equals. We are delighted that the IOP is growing steadily and continuing to establish itself as the leading communication platform for innovative online print players in Europe.”
Die Initiative Online Print e.V. ist ein weltweit einmaliger Zusammenschluss der führenden kleinen und großen Onlineprinter in Europa zu einer unabhängigen Kommunikations- und Vernetzungsplattform. Gemeinsam treten die Mitglieder aktiv für den fairen Wettbewerb im Bereich der Onlinedruck-Dienstleistungen und für die Wahrnehmung der Onlineprint-Industrie als eigenständiger Sektor in der globalen Druckindustrie ein.
Initiative Online Print e.V.
Am Buchenhain 4
45239 Essen
Telefon: +49 (201) 81175-0
Telefax: +49 (201) 81175-22