Hydrogen as a miracle cure for the future

Breaking News:
Donnerstag, März 13, 2025
There seems to be a growing consensus that, in addition to wind and solar, energy generation from hydrogen will also have a future. One keyword in this context is climate-neutral industry. Not only steel and chemical plants, but also refineries and copper smelters are turning to hydrogen. What can hydrogen do? It can help with power generation and storage. To do this, it must be processed in gas-fired power plants or generate electricity via fuel cells. Many gas-fired power plants can do this and are due to be built by the end of the decade. Because the sun doesn’t always shine or the wind doesn’t always blow. Costs and green hydrogen are still a problem, but this should change.
What is needed are electrolysers, a hydrogen network and storage facilities. Electrolysers split water into hydrogen and oxygen. An electrolyser is basically a fuel cell in reverse. If electricity from renewable energies is used, this is known as green hydrogen. Research and investment by large companies has been going on for some time. Competition is threatening from China and the USA, where the hydrogen industry is also subsidized. The raw materials that the hydrogen economy needs are platinum group metals.
Sibanye-Stillwater – https://www.commodity-tv.com/ondemand/companies/profil/sibanye-stillwater-ltd/ – is one of the major producers of platinum group metals. The company also produces gold and uranium and has expanded its business into green metals such as lithium and copper. The company is active in the USA and South Africa.
In contrast to the hydrogen industry, electromobility has already started its triumphal march. Raw materials such as lithium, cobalt (for lithium-ion batteries) and nickel are indispensable here.
The Canada Nickel Company – https://www.commodity-tv.com/ondemand/companies/profil/canada-nickel-company-inc/ – is working on its Crawford nickel-cobalt project in Canada to cover the raw materials for the increasing demand for nickel and cobalt. It is wholly owned by the company and production is scheduled to start at the end of 2027.
Current company information and press releases from Canada Nickel Company (- https://www.resource-capital.ch/en/companies/canada-nickel-company-inc/ -) and Sibanye-Stillwater (- https://www.resource-capital.ch/en/companies/sibanye-stillwater-ltd/ -).
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