And when it comes to efficiency in production and processes, Z-LASER’s solutions are naturally a must. Since 1985, the laser specialists from the Black Forest have been supporting demanding companies worldwide in optimizing production processes, ensuring quality, and using resources more sparingly.
Among other things, the Z-LASER specialists will be presenting the new programmable logic controller (PLC) for laser projectors in Hall 1 at Stand 1416. This allows products such as the ZLP1 laser projector to be integrated particularly flexibly and economically into any system landscape without additional hardware. Remote diagnosis and maintenance are also possible without any problems.
"The new PLC interface not only increases the application possibilities of our laser projectors. Since it works completely without additional hardware, it is also particularly economical and highly efficient to integrate into corresponding system landscapes," says Philipp Waibel, Product Manager Laser Projectors at Z-LASER.
Your Z-LASER contact at Motek 2022 in Stuttgart is Laurenz Zimmermann. Please feel free to make an appointment for a consultation in advance by e-mail.
Seit über 35 Jahren entwickelt und produziert das Unternehmen aus Freiburg im Herzen des Schwarzwaldes innovative, präzise und robuste Laserlösungen, die Menschen und Maschinen visuelle Führung und Orientierung geben: Positionierlaser, Laser für die Bildverarbeitung und Laserprojektoren von Z-LASER optimieren Produktionsabläufe, sichern Qualität und tragen zum schonenden Umgang mit Ressourcen bei.
Merzhauser Str. 134
79100 Freiburg
Telefon: +49 (761) 29644-44