Beijing, here we come!

The Olympic Games in Beijing are about to begin. Gold and silver are now also gaining in importance among investors who are not gold fans.
14 times gold, ten times silver, seven times bronze – no, we’re not looking into a crystal ball as to what the German athletes will achieve at the Winter Olympics in and around Beijing. That was the 2018 haul in South Korea. How many Tong Xins, as the Beijing medals are called, will be won in the coming days remains to be seen. Tong Xin means "together for a common future." That should radiate out to the rest of the world and, of course, to all of China, all the way to government headquarters. After all, politicians from Beijing to Moscow to Minsk to Tehran don’t seem to be working together for a good future. Certainly, provocation from the Western control centers from Washington to Paris is not entirely innocent.
It is to be hoped, then, that the Olympic Games will contribute a little more to dialogue and a little less to sabre-rattling. After all, that was the plan in ancient times. If that doesn’t work, every Olympic champion could be happier about his precious metal. For warlike conflicts and internal political persecutions can never be a reason for joy. But the gold and silver medals, even if not entirely made of gold, are likely to appreciate in value due to the price of precious metals. It is not without reason that gold is considered the crisis metal par excellence, and silver is after all the little brother or sister, depending on how you want to see it.
Indeed, the saber rattling on Russia’s border with Ukraine has recently become louder and louder. The fact that Russia’s President Putin is having dinner with China’s leaders does not necessarily have a relaxing effect in this context. After all, Beijing is said to be willing to reach for Taiwan, and that is probably true. Gold and silver as a hedge can therefore not be wrong at this time as an admixture in the portfolio. In this context, the certainly risky shares of companies in the precious metals sector also appear interesting, as they even have a leverage on the gold price.
For example, GCM Mining – -, a medium-sized successful gold producer in Latin America. Its Segovia operation produced around 206,000 ounces of gold and just over 253,000 ounces of silver in the full year 2021, in addition to zinc and lead.
Fiore Gold has four projects, with the producing Pan Mine in Nevada deserving particular attention.
Fury Gold Mines – – is active in three very good gold areas in Canada, in Nunavut, Quebec and British Columbia. Fury Gold Mines has several million ounces of gold.
Current corporate information and press releases from GCM Mining (- -) and Fiore Gold (- -) and Fury Gold Mines (- -).
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