AQ Guard Ambient receives MCERTS approval

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AQ Guard Ambient is an optical scattered light aerosol spectrometer featuring single particle analysis. Derived from the EN 16450 certified Fidas® 200 the AQ Guard Ambient utilizes the same sophisticated algorithms for simultaneous measurement of PM10 and PM2.5, and can be calibrated by the operator in the same way on site using Palas’ certified MonoDust test powder.
MCERTS as reliable source
The MCERTS certification scheme is based on internationally accepted standards regarding immission control and approval of devices. Certification involves thorough scrutinizing of the analyzer as well as field test campaigns for comparison with the official reference method. It ensures the reliability of the analyzer as well as the reliability of the data. The AQ Guard Ambient demonstrated a performance level considerably above the requirements for indicative analyzers during type approval, assuming the leading position in its class.
Air quality is quality of life
Every adult breathes 20.000 times a day, inhaling in addition to other substances air pollutants such as fine dust. Due to the health hazards that are known to be related to fine dust each of us should be interested in reliable information about air quality. AQ Guard Ambient provides that information – precisely and reliably.
Die Palas GmbH ist ein führender Entwickler und Hersteller von hochpräzisen Geräten zur Generierung, Messung und Charakterisierung von Partikeln in der Luft. Mit zahlreichen aktiven Patenten entwickelt Palas® technologisch führende und zertifizierte Feinstaub- und Nanopartikelmessgeräte, Aerosolspektrometer, -generatoren und -sensoren sowie dazugehörige Systeme und Softwarelösungen. Palas® wurde 1983 gegründet und beschäftigt am Unternehmenssitz in Karlsruhe rund 100 Mitarbeiter. Die Palas GmbH ist ein Tochterunternehmen der Brockhaus Capital Management AG, die im Prime Standard an der Frankfurter Börse notiert ist (BKHT, ISIN: DE000A2GSU42).
Palas GmbH
Siemensallee 84 | Gebäude 7330
76187 Karlsruhe
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