Hofele now available in Zurich, Switzerland

HOFELE-Design GmbH, A specialist automotive design and engineering company located near Stuttgart Germany and is certified by the German TUV & KBA authority. With over 35 years’ experience HOFELE designs and manufactures Bespoke vehicles, automotive styling products, engineering components and tuning products for Mercedes-Benz passenger cars.

In 2018 HOFELE-Design GmbH was appointed as an official contractual partner to Mercedes-Benz AG.

Autowelt Schweiz AG, based in Zurich, Switzerland is the region’s leading provider of premium vehicles and related services including Portfolio Management, vehicle enhancement, vehicle finance.

Autowelt Schweiz have recently opened their showcase “Car Lounge” in Zurich, a luxury concept showroom and display centre where clients can spend time to discuss their individual requirements and discover the many ways that the Autowelt team and HOFELE can assist clients to own a unique Mercedes-Benz by HOFELE.

The first HOFELE model to be displayed at the Autowelt Car Lounge is this stunning and unique Mercedes-AMG 63 enhanced by HOFELE, finished in matte Designo Night Black Mago with gloss black exposed carbon accents for the extended HOFELE wheel arches, roof light bar, bonnet power dome, signature front bumper grille and the famous 23” HOFELE Turbine forged alloy wheels. The HOFELE full length electrically operated side steps complete the exterior.   

Autowelt specified this G-Wagon by HOFELE with this beautifully crafted fully bespoke interior, finished in brown Nappa leather that features the unique HOFELE stitching and perforation pattern and with matching alcantara covering nearly every surface. The interior is bought to life with the addition of the Star Light ceiling.

Über die HOF Manufaktur GmbH

HOFELE-Design GmbH is an internationally recognised specialist in automotive design and engineering, located near Stuttgart, Germany. The company has been in the automotive design and engineering business for over 35 years. In 2018 HOFELE was appointed by Mercedes-Benz AG as an authorised partner for the enhancement and supply of Mercedes-Benz passenger cars. Today HOFELE work exclusively with the Mercedes-Benz brand, developing and producing automotive styling products, technical components and automotive concepts. Under the HOFELE brand, the company also supplies complete vehicles based on Mercedes-Benz models.

For more information visit https://www.hofele.com/

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

HOF Manufaktur GmbH
Herrmann-Schwarz-Str. 11
73072 Donzdorf
Telefon: +49 (7031) 2033020
Telefax: +49 (7162) 91239-25

Abinaya Shanthi
Digital Marketing Executive
E-Mail: shanthi@hofele.com
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