Ems Maritime Offshore to participate in traffic control measures during construction of Fehmarnbelt tunnel

In connection with the offshore construction of the Fehmarnbelt fixed link, a Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) Fehmarnbelt is to be set up as part of the risk control measures in collaboration with the Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) Travemünde. During the construction phase, the sea space is to be monitored around the clock by traffic control ships. EMO will provide authorised personnel for every vessel. They will assume responsibility for on-board nautical support in collaboration with the VTS Fehmarnbelt. The nautical specialists have been trained in advance by the German shipping authorities.
“As a German company, we are delighted to be involved in such an outstanding and innovative project as the construction of the Fehmarnbelt link. Traffic control is an important role during maritime construction. It ensures plain sailing for the German-Danish cooperation”, says Jan Heyenga, Head of the Maritime Services Department at EMO.
The Emden-based company is sourcing for this project from its experienced nautical personnel who have been successfully deployed for years in the field of maritime coordination and sea space observation for offshore wind farms as well as in the company’s own VENTUSmarine control centre.
Ems Maritime Offshore GmbH (EMO) was founded in the year 2010, and provides comprehensive maritime services for offshore wind farms in the North and Baltic sea regions. In addition to the standard activities of a certified shipping company, specialising in the particular requirements of offshore wind farms, EMO also offers the services required in various service ports. This includes the provision of office, storage and field warehouse capacities as well as parking spaces and berths for service ships. The extensive performance package is rounded off by maritime coordination services. EMO operates a maritime control centre for offshore projects in Emden.
As a full subsidiary of the public limited company "EMS" based in Emden, EMO is an important member of a network featuring various transport and service provider companies. Today, the company has a staff of approximately 100; the AG EMS group as a whole employs approximately 500 people in addition to 50 trainees.
Today, the company has a staff of approximately 100; the AG EMS group as a whole employs approximately 500 people in addition to 50 trainees.
Ems Maritime Offshore GmbH
Zum Borkumanleger 6
26723 Emden-Außenhafen
Telefon: +49 (4921) 8907-286
Telefax: +49 (4921) 8907-1285